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Dreams and Nightmares..

So yesterday, I did absolutely nothing but sleep and work on this head of hair. Yesterday I slept and worked and worked and slept. As you all should know, wash day for Black girls is exactly that. WASH DAY, not wash hours or fast wash moments. We must take the time to love and care for our hair or it will hate us back.. 

Yesterday was wash day, and apparently sleep day. I barely ate so my roommate and I ended up in DuPontCircle at 11pm only to be told that the kitchen would be closing at our favorite spot and we came all the way for nothing. So we walked and walked and walked more than I would've liked, and walked more. Like a never ending nightmare or a strange dream. Each place we went to was either closed already or closing soon. We ended up at &pizza which has great food but I was in a pasta mood and so was she.  

Eventually we made it back to campus and triumphantly to our beds. That was the best part of the night. But here's where it gets ugly.  

I usually only dream of happy things, of people currently in my life. Or things that I used to think were alluding to my future. Last night I was hit with a double whammy of unsettling dreams or nightmares. The first of someone who promised to never leave, but left...and the second, my subconscious hopes of the future I wanted. 

It always baffles me that no one around me has this happen to them. Heartbreak doesn't treat them the way it does me. I could be minding my own business, happy and content with my own life and then when it's time to sleep it all goes left. It funny how the things we once considered good dreams, and happy dreams, or dreams we thought would come true can turn into nightmares in the blink of an eye. I guess when your heart was invested, and you're hopeful for the future you want you're mind is quick to play your dreams against you...  


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