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Brought Fashion to the Show

Every year my school Howard University throws the gathering of all gatherings for homecoming. There are alumni events, undergrad events and some open to the public. The pep rally usually kicks of a week of fun however there wasn't very much pep at the rally this year. So let's fast forward to Thursday, the day of Pulse, the fashion show.

Leading up to homecoming I, along with the majority of bison, couldn't find anything worth buying to wear for the entire weekend f festivities so we just decided to wing it... My version of winging it was to design and sew my outfit all by my lonesome with a bit of help from my mom. Only problem was that I had one weekend, which turned into one day to make my outfit, which turned into one pair of pants by the end of that weekend and a me making the shirt between classes up to the night before the show.

Now don't forget, I'm not even in the fashion show nor are my designs but the fit for the event ALWAYS matters at Howard, there's no escaping that. So here's to my stunning, yes quite stunning, fashion show fit with my Diana Ross inspired hair.

I'm not really sure where I got the idea for this outfit but I'm glad it came out the exact way I pictured it, glamorous and elegant as well as colorful and fun. When you look good you feel good and I felt a billion times better knowing that absolutely no one would be wearing the same outfit as me.

As I told you before this look was inspired by Diana Ross and when I think of her I think big glam hair along with perfect accessories to match. So I opted for HUGE wand curls that I brushed out right before I left my dorm. They took about four hours to complete but it was so worth it. I'm not much of a makeup person yet so I did my absolute best with what I had.

I wore at least two layers of Miss Manga Voluminous Mascara by L'Oreal, NYX Black Liquid liner, Maybelline Fit Me foundation and Sephora microsmooth luminizer "Stardust". On my lips I wore MAC's On and On lipstick with their clear Lipglass on top.

And no, the night wouldn't have been complete without a few Snapchat pics to make the memories last forever.

"It takes a long time to get to be a diva. I mean you gotta work at it." ~ Diana Ross

There's no better time to be a diva than NOW...

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